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 “Accountants are the witch-doctors
      of the modern world and
    willing to turn their hands to
          any kind of magic.”

                – Charles Eustace Harman
 “The world is moving so fast these
 days that the one who says it can’t
  be done is generally interrupted
        by someone doing it.”

                  – Harry Emerson Fosdick
  “Every advertisement should be
 thought of as a contribution to the
    complex symbol which is the
           brand image.”

                         – David M. Ogilvy
  “People are definitely a company’s
 greatest asset. It doesn’t make any
  difference whether the product is
   cars or cosmetics. A company is
 only as good as the people it keeps.”
                           – Mary Kay Ash
   “Nobody raises his reputation
       by lowering others”

                           – Anonymous
  “Accomplishing the impossible
 means only that the boss will add
    it to your regular duties.”

                          – Doug Larson
  “It is not best that we all should
     think alike, it is differences
 of opinion that make horse races.”

                            – Mark Twain
   “ We’re not in the business of
 keeping the media companies alive.
       We’re in the business
  of connecting with consumers.”

                        – Trevor Edwards
  “A budget tells us what we can’t
    afford, but it doesn’t keep us
           from buying it.”

                         – William Feather
      “Bureaucracy defends the
status quo long past the time when the
    status quo has lost its status.”

                       – Laurence J. Peter
    “Business is not financial science,
it's about trading, buying and selling. It’s
 about creating a product or service so
     good that people will pay for it.”

                              – Anita Roddick
 “It takes more than capital to swing
    business. You’ve got to have the
 A. I. D. degree to get by – Advertising
         Initiative, and Dynamics.”

                              – Isaac Asimov
      “Capitalism is a system
   of competitive exploitation.”

                       – Dr. Tony Aidoo
“When people keep telling you that you can’t
   do a thing, you kind of like to try it.”

                      – Margaret Chase Smith
     We must always change,
   renew, rejuvenate ourselves;
      otherwise, we harden.

                             – Goethe
 “Communication leads to community,
      that is, to understanding,
    intimacy and mutual valuing.”

                            – Rollo May
    “Competition brings out the best
 in products and the worst in people.”

                           – David Sarnoff

  “The consumer isn’t a moron.
        She is your wife.”

                         – David Ogilvy
 “What you do speaks so loudly that
   I cannot hear what you say.”

                   – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  “People are going to want, and be able,
to find out about the citizenship of a brand,
whether it is doing the right things socially,
     economically and environmentally.”

                                – Mike Clasper
   “A painter told me that nobody
 could draw a tree without in some
       sort becoming a tree.”

                  – Ralph Waldo Emerson
 “Credit is a system whereby a person
who can’t pay gets another person who
can’t pay to guarantee that he can pay.”

                          – Charles Dickens
“For an adequate formation of a culture,
  the involvement of the whole man is
  required, whereby he exercises his
 creativity, intelligence, and knowledge
       of the world and of people.”
                         – Pope John Paul II
“We see our customers as invited guests
to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our
 job every day to make every important
   aspect of the customer experience
            a little bit better.”
                                – Jeff Bezos
Customer Service
  “Politeness and consideration for
 others is like investing pennies and
         getting dollars back.’

                          – Thomas Sowell
“Bad debt is sacrificing your future day
 needs for your present day desires.”

                             – Suze Orman
  “You cannot build character and
  courage by taking away a man's
    initiative and independence.”

                       – Abraham Lincoln
“When you have disciplined people, you don’t
 need hierarchy. When you have disciplined
   thought, you don’t need bureaucracy.
   When you have disciplined action, you
       don’t need excessive control.”
                                 – Jim Collins
  “We have become not a melting pot
but a beautiful mosaic. Different people,
 different beliefs, different yearnings,
  different hopes, different dreams.”

                             – Jimmy Carter
  “Earnings can be pliable as putty
  when the a charlatan heads the
     company reporting them.”

                          – Warren Buffet
  “Well, I won’t say I can or I can’t;
 but if I do, I do it before most people
         get up in the morning.”

                         – Paul 'Bear' Bryant
   “Trifles make perfection, but
      perfection is no trifle.”

                           – Michelangelo
   “Always treat your employees
 exactly as you want them to treat
       your best customers.”

                        – Stephen Covey
  “Ethics is knowing the difference
   between what you have a right
    to do and what is right to do.”

                          – Potter Stewart
    “Only passions, great passions,
 can elevate the soul to great things.”

                            – Denis Diderot
“Experience is the child of thought, and
    thought is the child of action.
  We cannot learn men from books.”

                         – Benjamin Disreali
“Get the facts, or the facts will get you.
And when you get them, get them right,
      or they will get you wrong.”

                         – Dr. Thomas Fuller
“It sometimes seems to me that I have
  spent all my life trying to persuade
    bankers to extend their loans.”

                         – Richard Branson
“I find hope in the darkest of days, and
  focus in the brightest. I do not judge
              the universe.”

                               – Dalai Lama
“It’s really hard to design products by focus
   groups. A lot of times,people don’t know
what they want until you show it to them.”

                                 – Steve Jobs
  “An executive knows something about
everything, a technician knows everything
  about something and the switchboard
      operator knows everything.”

                            – Harold Coffin
“Globalisation has gone wrong, as it has no
rules. Multinationals are almost above the
  law. They are so huge they are bigger
            than governments.”

                              – Dick Smith
        “Growth for the sake of
growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.”

                             – Edward Abbey
Human Capital
“Endeavours succeed or fail because of the
people involved. Only by attracting the best
 people will you accomplish great deeds.”

                                – Colin Powell
“Be more splendid, more extraordinary.
 Use every moment to fill yourself up.”

                          – Oprah Winfrey
“There is a boundary to men’s passions when
   they act from feelings; but none when
they are under the influence of imagination.”

                             – Edmund Burke
     “He who every morning plans the
transaction of the day and follows out that
 plan, carries a thread that will guide him
 through the maze of the most busy life.”

                              – Victor Hugo
    “The Internet is the heart of this new
  civilization, and telecommunications are
the nervous system, or circulatory system.”

                          – Carlos Slim Helu
“Just as energy is the basis of life itself,
and ideas the source of innovation, so is
 innovation the vital spark of all human
  change, improvement and progress.”

                                  – Ted Levitt
“He wants to get something for nothing.
 He does not wish to work. He doesn’t
     even wish to have to think.”

                          – Jesse Livermore
“I insist that we continually ask our staff
   for any suggestions they might have,
      and I try my hand at their jobs.”

                           – Richard Branson
Knowledge Management
     “A person who graduated
   yesterday and stops studying
  today is uneducated tomorrow.”

                          – Anonymous
   “Labour is prior to, and independent of,
capital. Capital is only the fruit of labour, and
  could never have existed if labour had not
 first existed. Labour is superior to capital,
and deserves much the higher consideration.”

                               – Abraham Lincoln
     “The quality of a leader is
  reflected in the standards they
       set for themselves.”

                             – Ray Kroc
   “There are really only three types of
  people: those who make things happen,
those who watch things happen, and those
        who say, what happened?”

                            – Ann Landers
“ Our belief is that marketing and product
  have converged. The consumer doesn’t
   separate the marketing experience
      from the product experience.”

                              – Ajaz Ahmed
  “Meetings are a symptom of bad
     organisation. the fewer
      meetings the better.”

                      – Peter F. Drucker
   “Bureaucrats write memoranda both
because they appear to be busy when they
 are writing and because the memos, once
           written, immediately
  becomes proof that they were busy. ”
                           – Charles Peters
“There is only one way... to get anybody
 to do anything. And that is by making
    the other person want to do it.”

                           – Dale Carnegie
  “The most important trip you may
take in life is meeting people half way.”

                              – Henry Boyle
   “The future is not an inheritance,
it is an opportunity and an obligation.”

                               – Bill Clinton
   “Another word for outsourcing is
 trade – an endeavour, as economists
  learned early on, that benefits both
       parties to the exchange.”

                         – James Glassman
      “What I hear, I forget.
     What I see, I remember.
     What I do, I understand.”

                             – Confucius
  “Treat employees like partners,
    and they act like partners.”

                         – Fred A. Allen
“In preparing for battle I have always
   found that plans are useless, but
      planning is indispensable.”

                    – Dwight D. Eisenhower
    “Being powerful is like being
  a lady. If you have to tell people
        you are, you aren't.”

                       – Margaret Thatcher
  “When you confront a problem,
      you begin to solve it.”

                         – Rudy Giuliani
     “I don’t design clothes,
        I design dreams.”

                           – Ralph Lauren
        “Not doing more than the
average is what keeps the average down.”

                         – William M. Winans
  “A professional is someone who can do
his best work when he doesn't feel like it.”

                             – Alistair Cooke
“The most important single central fact
about a free market is that no exchange
takes place unless both parties benefit.”

                           – Milton Friedman
Project Management
“It must be considered that there is nothing
    more difficult to carry out nor more
  doubtful of success nor more dangerous
      to handle than to initiate a new
              order of things.”
                                 – Machiavelli
“Any organisation is like a septic tank.
 The really big chunks rise to the top.”

                              – John Imhoff
Public Relations
 “Propaganda will never die out. Intelligent
  men must realise that propaganda is the
modern instrument by which they can fight
for productive ends and help to bring order
              out of chaos.”
                           – Edward Bernays
 “Most quality programs fail for one or
two reasons. They have system without
  passion, or passion without system.
         You must have both.”

                             – Tom Peters
  “Many people die with their music still in
them. Why is this so? Too often it is because
   they are always getting ready to live.
    Before they know it, time runs out.”

                       – Oliver Wendell Holmes
“Hire people who are better than you are,
 then leave them to get on with it...; Look
 for people who will aim the remarkable,
   who will not settle for the routine.”

                            – David M. Ogilvy
“Don't invest in anything that you don’t
 understand. Do your research first.”

                            – Paul Clitheroe
   “Instead of saying that man is the
 creature of circumstances, it would
 be nearer the mark to say that man
  is the architect of circumstances.”

                         – Thomas Carlyle
  “The woods would be very silent
    if no birds sang except those
            that sang best.”

                       – Henry Van Dyke
   “Sales are contingent upon the
  attitude of the salesman, not the
        attitude of prospect.”

                        – William C. Stone
  “The definition of salesmanship is
       the gentle art of letting
  the customer have it your way.”

                               – Ray Kroc
“ Most people think ‘selling’ is the same
  as ‘talking’. But the most effective
 salespeople know that listening is the
   most important part of their job.”

                               – Roy Bartell
“When somebody buys a stock it’s because
   they think it’s going to go up and the
person who sold it to them thinks it’s going
     to go down. Somebody’s wrong.”

                               – George Ross
“Today, a skilled manager makes more
than the owner. And owners fight each
  other to get the skilled managers.”

                    – Mikhail Khodorkovsky
Stock Exchange
“When share markets are booming it’s easy
 to believe the propaganda that shares will
     always bounce back from a fall and
   that shares always outperform other
      investments over the long term.”
                          – Annette Sampson
   “Stories are the creative conversion
of life itself into a more powerful, clearer,
         more meaningful experience.
They are the currency of human contact.”

                              – Robert McKee
  “It is not the strongest of the species
that survive, nor the most intelligent, but
   the one most responsive to change.”

                             – Charles Darwin
  “Stress is when you wake up
      screaming and realise
  you haven’t fallen asleep yet.”

                            – Anonymous
 “Great ability develops and reveals
   itself increasingly with every
          new assignment.”

                        – Baltasar Gracian
 “A corporation’s primary goal is to
 make money. Government’s primary
  role is to take a big chunk of that
    money and give it to others.”

                            – Larry Ellison
     “One man can be a crucial
 ingredient on a team, but one man
       cannot make a team.”

                  – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
  “It lets people be creative. It lets people
  be productive. It lets people learn things
they didn’t think they could learn before, and
    so in a sense it is all about potential.”

                               – Steve Ballmer
The Future
  “The empires of the future are
     the empires of the mind.”

                   – Sir Winston Churchill
Time Management
  “A wise person does at once, what
 a fool does at last. Both do the same
    thing; only at different times.”

                         – Baltasar Gracian
   Training is everything. The peach
      was once a bitter almond;
  cauliflower is nothing but cabbage
       with a college education.

                            – Mark Twain
  “Before you journey, observe the
 wind carefully, detect its direction,
         and then follow it.”

                          – Chin-Ning Chu
 “Talent is cheaper than table salt. What
separates the talented individual from the
  successful one is a lot of hard work.”

                             – Stephen King
   “Everyone needs to be valued.
   Everyone has the potential to
       give something back.”

                         – Princess Diana
    “I skate to where the puck is
going to be, not to where it has been.”

                           – Wayne Gretzky
Compiled by
Hilary Richard Sam

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Business glossary Mohamed Attia-Master Discussion

  • 2. Accountant “Accountants are the witch-doctors of the modern world and willing to turn their hands to any kind of magic.” – Charles Eustace Harman
  • 3. Action “The world is moving so fast these days that the one who says it can’t be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.” – Harry Emerson Fosdick
  • 4. Advertising “Every advertisement should be thought of as a contribution to the complex symbol which is the brand image.” – David M. Ogilvy
  • 5. Assets “People are definitely a company’s greatest asset. It doesn’t make any difference whether the product is cars or cosmetics. A company is only as good as the people it keeps.” – Mary Kay Ash
  • 6. Backbiting “Nobody raises his reputation by lowering others” – Anonymous
  • 7. Boss “Accomplishing the impossible means only that the boss will add it to your regular duties.” – Doug Larson
  • 8. Brainstorm “It is not best that we all should think alike, it is differences of opinion that make horse races.” – Mark Twain
  • 9. Branding “ We’re not in the business of keeping the media companies alive. We’re in the business of connecting with consumers.” – Trevor Edwards
  • 10. Budget “A budget tells us what we can’t afford, but it doesn’t keep us from buying it.” – William Feather
  • 11. Bureaucracy “Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the status quo has lost its status.” – Laurence J. Peter
  • 12. Business “Business is not financial science, it's about trading, buying and selling. It’s about creating a product or service so good that people will pay for it.” – Anita Roddick
  • 13. Capital “It takes more than capital to swing business. You’ve got to have the A. I. D. degree to get by – Advertising Initiative, and Dynamics.” – Isaac Asimov
  • 14. Capitalism “Capitalism is a system of competitive exploitation.” – Dr. Tony Aidoo
  • 15. Challenge “When people keep telling you that you can’t do a thing, you kind of like to try it.” – Margaret Chase Smith
  • 16. Change We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise, we harden. – Goethe
  • 17. Communication “Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.” – Rollo May
  • 18. Competition “Competition brings out the best in products and the worst in people.” – David Sarnoff
  • 19. Consumer “The consumer isn’t a moron. She is your wife.” – David Ogilvy
  • 20. Control “What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 21. CSR “People are going to want, and be able, to find out about the citizenship of a brand, whether it is doing the right things socially, economically and environmentally.” – Mike Clasper
  • 22. Creativity “A painter told me that nobody could draw a tree without in some sort becoming a tree.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 23. Credit “Credit is a system whereby a person who can’t pay gets another person who can’t pay to guarantee that he can pay.” – Charles Dickens
  • 24. Culture “For an adequate formation of a culture, the involvement of the whole man is required, whereby he exercises his creativity, intelligence, and knowledge of the world and of people.” – Pope John Paul II
  • 25. Customer “We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.” – Jeff Bezos
  • 26. Customer Service “Politeness and consideration for others is like investing pennies and getting dollars back.’ – Thomas Sowell
  • 27. Debt “Bad debt is sacrificing your future day needs for your present day desires.” – Suze Orman
  • 28. Delegation “You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence.” – Abraham Lincoln
  • 29. Discipline “When you have disciplined people, you don’t need hierarchy. When you have disciplined thought, you don’t need bureaucracy. When you have disciplined action, you don’t need excessive control.” – Jim Collins
  • 30. Diversity “We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.” – Jimmy Carter
  • 31. Earnings “Earnings can be pliable as putty when the a charlatan heads the company reporting them.” – Warren Buffet
  • 32. Effectivenss “Well, I won’t say I can or I can’t; but if I do, I do it before most people get up in the morning.” – Paul 'Bear' Bryant
  • 33. Efficiency “Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle.” – Michelangelo
  • 34. Employees “Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.” – Stephen Covey
  • 35. Ethics “Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.” – Potter Stewart
  • 36. Execution “Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.” – Denis Diderot
  • 37. Experience “Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action. We cannot learn men from books.” – Benjamin Disreali
  • 38. Facts “Get the facts, or the facts will get you. And when you get them, get them right, or they will get you wrong.” – Dr. Thomas Fuller
  • 39. Finance “It sometimes seems to me that I have spent all my life trying to persuade bankers to extend their loans.” – Richard Branson
  • 40. Focus “I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.” – Dalai Lama
  • 41. Forecast “It’s really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times,people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” – Steve Jobs
  • 42. Frontline “An executive knows something about everything, a technician knows everything about something and the switchboard operator knows everything.” – Harold Coffin
  • 43. Globalisation “Globalisation has gone wrong, as it has no rules. Multinationals are almost above the law. They are so huge they are bigger than governments.” – Dick Smith
  • 44. Growth “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.” – Edward Abbey
  • 45. Human Capital “Endeavours succeed or fail because of the people involved. Only by attracting the best people will you accomplish great deeds.” – Colin Powell
  • 46. Image “Be more splendid, more extraordinary. Use every moment to fill yourself up.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • 47. Imagination “There is a boundary to men’s passions when they act from feelings; but none when they are under the influence of imagination.” – Edmund Burke
  • 48. Implementaton “He who every morning plans the transaction of the day and follows out that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through the maze of the most busy life.” – Victor Hugo
  • 49. Internet “The Internet is the heart of this new civilization, and telecommunications are the nervous system, or circulatory system.” – Carlos Slim Helu
  • 50. Innovation “Just as energy is the basis of life itself, and ideas the source of innovation, so is innovation the vital spark of all human change, improvement and progress.” – Ted Levitt
  • 51. Investor “He wants to get something for nothing. He does not wish to work. He doesn’t even wish to have to think.” – Jesse Livermore
  • 52. Job “I insist that we continually ask our staff for any suggestions they might have, and I try my hand at their jobs.” – Richard Branson
  • 53. Knowledge Management “A person who graduated yesterday and stops studying today is uneducated tomorrow.” – Anonymous
  • 54. Labour “Labour is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labour, and could never have existed if labour had not first existed. Labour is superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.” – Abraham Lincoln
  • 55. Leadership “The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.” – Ray Kroc
  • 56. Management “There are really only three types of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who say, what happened?” – Ann Landers
  • 57. Marketing “ Our belief is that marketing and product have converged. The consumer doesn’t separate the marketing experience from the product experience.” – Ajaz Ahmed
  • 58. Meetings “Meetings are a symptom of bad organisation. the fewer meetings the better.” – Peter F. Drucker
  • 59. Memo “Bureaucrats write memoranda both because they appear to be busy when they are writing and because the memos, once written, immediately becomes proof that they were busy. ” – Charles Peters
  • 60. Motivation “There is only one way... to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it.” – Dale Carnegie
  • 61. Negotiations “The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people half way.” – Henry Boyle
  • 62. Opportunity “The future is not an inheritance, it is an opportunity and an obligation.” – Bill Clinton
  • 63. Outsource “Another word for outsourcing is trade – an endeavour, as economists learned early on, that benefits both parties to the exchange.” – James Glassman
  • 64. Participation “What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.” – Confucius
  • 65. Partners “Treat employees like partners, and they act like partners.” – Fred A. Allen
  • 66. Planning “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • 67. Power “Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.” – Margaret Thatcher
  • 68. Problem “When you confront a problem, you begin to solve it.” – Rudy Giuliani
  • 69. Product “I don’t design clothes, I design dreams.” – Ralph Lauren
  • 70. Productivity “Not doing more than the average is what keeps the average down.” – William M. Winans
  • 71. Professionalism “A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn't feel like it.” – Alistair Cooke
  • 72. Profit “The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit.” – Milton Friedman
  • 73. Project Management “It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out nor more doubtful of success nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order of things.” – Machiavelli
  • 74. Promotion “Any organisation is like a septic tank. The really big chunks rise to the top.” – John Imhoff
  • 75. Public Relations “Propaganda will never die out. Intelligent men must realise that propaganda is the modern instrument by which they can fight for productive ends and help to bring order out of chaos.” – Edward Bernays
  • 76. Quality “Most quality programs fail for one or two reasons. They have system without passion, or passion without system. You must have both.” – Tom Peters
  • 77. Readiness “Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • 78. Recruitment “Hire people who are better than you are, then leave them to get on with it...; Look for people who will aim the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.” – David M. Ogilvy
  • 79. Research “Don't invest in anything that you don’t understand. Do your research first.” – Paul Clitheroe
  • 80. Responsibility “Instead of saying that man is the creature of circumstances, it would be nearer the mark to say that man is the architect of circumstances.” – Thomas Carlyle
  • 81. Risk “The woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.” – Henry Van Dyke
  • 82. Sales “Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman, not the attitude of prospect.” – William C. Stone
  • 83. Salesmanship “The definition of salesmanship is the gentle art of letting the customer have it your way.” – Ray Kroc
  • 84. Selling “ Most people think ‘selling’ is the same as ‘talking’. But the most effective salespeople know that listening is the most important part of their job.” – Roy Bartell
  • 85. Shares “When somebody buys a stock it’s because they think it’s going to go up and the person who sold it to them thinks it’s going to go down. Somebody’s wrong.” – George Ross
  • 86. Skill “Today, a skilled manager makes more than the owner. And owners fight each other to get the skilled managers.” – Mikhail Khodorkovsky
  • 87. Stock Exchange “When share markets are booming it’s easy to believe the propaganda that shares will always bounce back from a fall and that shares always outperform other investments over the long term.” – Annette Sampson
  • 88. Storytelling “Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of human contact.” – Robert McKee
  • 89. Strategy “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin
  • 90. Stress “Stress is when you wake up screaming and realise you haven’t fallen asleep yet.” – Anonymous
  • 91. Talent “Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment.” – Baltasar Gracian
  • 92. Tax “A corporation’s primary goal is to make money. Government’s primary role is to take a big chunk of that money and give it to others.” – Larry Ellison
  • 93. Team “One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team.” – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
  • 94. Technology “It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn’t think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential.” – Steve Ballmer
  • 95. The Future “The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.” – Sir Winston Churchill
  • 96. Time Management “A wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing; only at different times.” – Baltasar Gracian
  • 97. Training Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education. – Mark Twain
  • 98. Trends “Before you journey, observe the wind carefully, detect its direction, and then follow it.” – Chin-Ning Chu
  • 99. Work “Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” – Stephen King
  • 100. Value “Everyone needs to be valued. Everyone has the potential to give something back.” – Princess Diana
  • 101. Vision “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been.” – Wayne Gretzky
  • 102. Compiled by Hilary Richard Sam